A customer inquired about a mobile X-ray machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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A customer inquired about a mobile X-ray machine

A customer inquired about a mobile X-ray machine for a local hospital, and directly purchased it without going through the bidding process. The customer said that he had inquired about a mobile DR from a certain manufacturer and felt that the price was high, and asked if we have a similar style to recommend. The customer sent us the product parameters. We recommended a 100mA mobile DR for the customer and quoted it. The customer felt this There is no profit margin for the price. Ask if there are other styles of mobile X-ray machines. We recommend a 100mA portable X-ray machine with DR imaging system for our customers. The customer said to confirm with the hospital and reply to us.
If you are interested in mobile X-ray machines, please call for consultation.

(+86) 18953679166