Advantages of portable digital X-ray machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Advantages of portable digital X-ray machine

The portable digital X-ray machine is mainly used to examine the limbs of the human body, especially in mobile places, battlefields, sports fields, pet clinics and clinics in the wild. What is the main composition of the portable X-ray machine? It is mainly composed of X-ray generator and auxiliary equipment, including: X-ray tube, wire harness, and rack, which are mainly composed of these parts.

What are the advantages of portable digital X-ray machines over other X-ray machines?

(1) Lightweight and concise

(2) 6-segment digital LED display

(3) Choice of 24 preset anatomical memory modes

(4) Analog and digital dual-loop high-precision control mode

(5) High-precision tube voltage and tube current control

If you need to purchase a portable digital X-ray machine, please contact us!

(+86) 18953679166