What are the characteristics of Newheek’s mobile DR? - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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What are the characteristics of Newheek’s mobile DR?

It is difficult for patients with fractures to be in bed, and it is even more difficult for patients with surgical fractures. “Usually, you have to queue up for filming, and family members and relatives have to take turns.” This is a portrayal of the masses for filming in orthopedic hospitals. To solve this problem and to adapt to this year’s COVID-19 situation, in February this year, our company and partners jointly developed a mobile DR (DR series digital radiography). Radiologists can push it directly to the bedside of the patient and the operating room for filming, providing services for fractured patients and surgery patients, which greatly facilitates hospitalization and surgery patients. Compared with the application of traditional computed radiography (CR) in orthopedic surgery in the past, the fastest film production speed is 20 minutes, and the flexibility is poor. The mobile DR not only has high safety and long life, but also has the characteristics of small size and light weight. Moreover, the fast film production speed not only shortens the operation time, but also allows the doctor to control the operation time, which greatly guarantees the safety of the patient’s operation.

This mobile DR has a maximum of 400ma, which can be used on almost all body parts, and the dose is adjustable to ensure that X-rays can be used reasonably.

If you are interested in this mobile DR, please feel free to contact us

(+86) 18953679166