African customer consulting portable X-ray machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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African customer consulting portable X-ray machine

Today, an African customer consulted about our portable X-ray machine. The customer said that his customer specified a portable X-ray machine, and other models do not need it. According to the needs of customers, we recommend a 100mA, 5KW portable X-ray machine for customers, either with touch screen operation or button operation.


A brief introduction to Newheek’s portable X-ray machine:

● Manual exposure

● Remote exposure

● Touch screen exposure

● Simple interface

● 6 kinds of digital LCD display

● Self-protection, self-diagnosis

● High-precision control of tube voltage and tube current

● 48 preset memory mode options

● Accuracy control method of analog and dual digital loop

● X-ray tube is completely protected by lead to protect X-ray leakage

If you are interested in our portable x ray machine, or if you just need one such X-ray machine recently, please contact us.

(+86) 18953679166