Mobile DR x-ray machine for pets - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Mobile DR x-ray machine for pets

I recently received a consultation from Shenzhen Manager Chen about our mobile DR x-ray machine for pets, so I added the customer’s contact information first. After communication, I learned that the customer mainly wants to export to Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Customers mainly want 4kw machines that can photograph pets. Ask them what they want to photograph. The customer said that he had not asked the customer yet, because it was only just now. So we recommended our mobile DR x-ray machine to customers.
Our mobile DR x-ray machine itself has three exposure methods. Firstly, you can use the buttons on the machine to perform exposure. Secondly, you can use the corresponding exposure hand brake to perform exposure, and then you can use the remote control hand brake to perform exposure. Make an exposure. If you are interested in our mobile DR x-ray machine, welcome to inquire.

mobile DR x-ray machine

(+86) 18953679166