Taian customer consultation portable X-ray machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Taian customer consultation portable X-ray machine

We have talked a lot about the topic of X-ray machines. Recently, our friends have consulted more about portable X-ray machines. Recently, a customer from Tai’an called us to inquire about our portable X-ray machines. The customer said that they are also our original A customer introduced it. A friend of theirs bought our portable X-ray machine from us before, and the feedback said it was very good. Later, he wanted to buy a portable X-ray machine and recommended us. The customer said that they were mainly buying for an outpatient clinic this time, and the dose does not need to be too large to be able to take pictures of the limbs. They asked us if our portable X-ray machine can meet these needs. I replied to the customer that it was possible, and then sent the customer our product information and photos of the physical map. Tell the customer that we happen to have the portable X-ray machine in stock now, and we can shoot the live operation video of the portable X-ray machine and send some of our renderings to the customer. The customer expressed his satisfaction, and after the customer confirmed, he paid the deposit.

For customers who need portable X-ray machines, please contact us.



(+86) 18953679166