Advantages and disadvantages of portable X-ray machines - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Advantages and disadvantages of portable X-ray machines

The main advantages of portable X-ray machine compared with fixed X-ray machine are small size, light weight and simple operation.Portable X-ray machines can therefore be used in hospital rooms and outdoors to provide screening opportunities for patients with mobility problems or people in remote areas.Portable X-ray machine is a combination of high pressure generator, X-ray tube and collimator, because of its unique closed design, the radiation to the human body is relatively small.

However, due to the limitation of size, the dose of portable X-ray machine is generally small, which can meet the needs of taking pictures for human limbs, chest parts of thin people and small animals.

Newheek provides 50mA and 100mA portable X-ray machines. If you are interested, please send email to contact us!

(+86) 18953679166