Do veterinary clinics need x-ray machines? - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Do veterinary clinics need x-ray machines?

Do veterinary clinics need x-ray machines? With the continuous progress of society, pet X-ray machine is a relatively common instrument in pet medical care. Because animals can’t speak, when faced with some affected areas that cannot be observed by the naked eye, the use of pet X-ray machines will be more conducive to diagnosing animal diseases. In clinical diagnosis, the pet X-ray machine is used to improve the accurate diagnosis of pet diseases and provide information for subsequent treatment.
The portable pet X-ray machine adopts an integrated design as a whole, which is small and simple, reducing the floor space. Including 50mA, 100MA, 500MA, etc. According to the different milliamps, the dose is also different. The higher the dose, the better the test effect. The size of the milliamp can be chosen according to the size of the animal.
If you need a pet X-ray machine, remember to contact us!

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