Does DR belong to 200MA or above X-ray machine? - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Does DR belong to 200MA or above X-ray machine?

DRX light machine refers to the X-ray machine with DR digital imaging system, which has nothing to do with the shooting dose of the X-ray machine. DR digital into.
The imaging system can be adapted to 50mA, 100mA, 200mA or more X-ray machines.
Shandong Huarui Imaging Equipment Co., Ltd. provides portable, mobile and fixed DRX light machines, customers can
Select different doses of DRX light machine for the part. Among them, the 500mA sickle arm type DRX light machine can meet the needs of human limbs, chest cavity,
For the radiograph examination of lumbar spine, cervical spine and other parts, its support arm can be rotated, and the patient can be shot in upright and supine positions.
If you need an X-ray machine, please call for consultation.

portable X-ray machine

DR radiation machine

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