What are the requirements for the area of the room for a medical x-ray machine? - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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What are the requirements for the area of the room for a medical x-ray machine?

What are the requirements for the room area of a medical x-ray machine?
Computer room conditions
1. The installation foundation should be cement foundation, which requires the ground to be solid, level and capable of bearing
2. The load-bearing walls on both sides should be able to bear a load of 800kg;
3. In order to effectively use the space behind the stereoscopic perspective machine, the cable trench should be opened and the cable should be added.
The ditch cover is flush with the indoor floor. Recommended trench section width X depth = 200mmX 150mm, trench
Do a good job of moisture-proof, waterproof and rodent-proof measures inside;
4. Air conditioning and dehumidification equipment should be installed in advance in each room, and appropriate lighting and electricity should be provided.
source socket;
5. The protection requirements must meet the national radiation health protection standards, and it is easy to use.
Not affected.
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