Functions and uses of DR equipment What are the functions and uses of DR equipment? - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Functions and uses of DR equipment What are the functions and uses of DR equipment?

The full name of DR is Digital Radiography. After X-rays pass through the human body, they are collected by X-ray detectors and processed by a computer system, which can quickly reproduce X-ray images within seconds. At present, it is mainly used for the initial diagnosis of orthopedics, respiratory, gastroenterology and other diseases. Medical DR equipment consists of five components (detector, tube, high voltage, frame, imaging workstation). The DR detector is used in conjunction with the X-ray machine. Once the DR detector receives the rays from the X-ray machine, it can be directly converted into an image and transmitted to the computer. At present, there are two types of DR detectors on the market, dynamic flat panel detectors and static flat panel detectors. Among them, the most popular is the static flat panel detector, and it is also the DR equipment used by many individual clinics.

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