Greek customer enquirer for portable X-ray machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Greek customer enquirer for portable X-ray machine

Greek customers saw Newheek portable X-ray machines on and sent inquiries.We have learned that the customer needs to purchase some radiology equipment for a new clinic.We confirm with the customer whether we need the X-ray machine head or not

The whole DR system, the customer said he wanted the whole DR system, we recommended 100mA portable X-ray machine, suggested mobile rack, 1417-inch wireless tablet detector and computer to the customer according to the customer’s needs, and sent the parameters and photos of this set of scheme to the customer, the customer said to study it carefully first.

Newheek specializes in the production of X-ray machines, flat panel detectors and other equipment. If you are interested in this portable mobile X-ray machine, please contact us.

(+86) 18953679166