How to operate mobile X-ray machine with analog imaging system - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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How to operate mobile X-ray machine with analog imaging system

Customers often come to inquire about how to perform filming after purchasing an optional analog imaging system for a mobile X-ray machine. We explain to our customers that the mobile X-ray machine can take pictures of patients in both vertical and lying positions. When taking pictures in the vertical position, the distance between the mobile X-ray machine and the cassette is 1.8m. The patient stands in front of the cassette. When taking pictures in the lying position, the cassette is placed Under the filming bed, the patient is lying on the filming bed, and the camera head needs to be 1m away from the cassette for shooting. After exposure and shooting, the film is placed in a film processor for processing. We can get the test results we need.

mobile X-ray machine

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