Mobile DR bedside inspection process - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Mobile DR bedside inspection process

The attending physician places an application for bedside photography. After receiving the application, the technician carefully reads the application form, and asks the clinician about the main purpose of photography, the site to be observed, the expected image standard, and the basic condition of the patient to prepare for the examination and to protect the machine. Symptoms such as infection and bleeding may occur. In order to avoid contamination of the detector and to protect the patient from cross-infection, the detector is placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in a disposable sheet during the examination. Under the requirement of a sterile environment, wrap the detector with a sterile towel and check to ensure that the sterile environment is free of pollution. After preparing for the inspection, remove the power supply from the machine and move it to the bed of the subject for photography.

Check the patient information again before the examination to ensure that the examiner and the application form are the same person, to avoid the phenomenon of double-name examination errors, and to confirm the examination department bed number and examination number. After confirming that it is correct, log in the basic information of the subject on the machine, select the photography site, determine the photography conditions, and design the examination position based on the actual situation of the patient to ensure that the patient will not overwhelm the wound. Try to keep the patient comfortable, avoid motion blur, and avoid the patient The second injury to the affected area should be caused by the movement problem. Patients and their family members should be advised to leave the same ward during the examination. Patients who cannot move should be protected to avoid X-ray radiation. Protect patients from unnecessary X-ray radiation. The technician himself takes protective measures.

Newheek is a manufacturer of high quality and low price.If you are interested in mobile or portable DRX – ray machines, please contact us.


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