Portable X-ray machine for chest examination of epidemic pneumonia - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Portable X-ray machine for chest examination of epidemic pneumonia

Recently, a customer inquired about a portable x-ray machine used for chest examination of the current epidemic. It needs to be exported to the Kyrgyz Republic. The main purpose of this mobile digital DR portable x-ray machine is to perform chest examinations for pneumonia. We recommend portable x-ray machines.
The quotation is *. Does the customer say there is a cheaper one? We told us that it is already the lowest price. This price includes mobile racks, portable X-ray machines, DR flat panel detectors and suitcases. Already very affordable
The customer said that it needs to be sent to the user for negotiation. When asked about the progress of the portable x-ray machine exported to the Kyrgyz Republic, the customer said that he would meet the user in person around mid-December to see how the situation is.

portable x-ray machine

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