500MA medical X-ray machine operation process - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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500MA medical X-ray machine operation process

Everyone is curious about the operation process of the 500MA medical X-ray machine. The following editor will talk about the operation process of the 500MA medical X-ray machine.
First of all, I will popularize the knowledge of medical X-ray machine. The power of 500MA medical X-ray machine is generally 50KW. It can not only shoot the lumbar spine, but also all parts of the body. Next, let’s talk about the operation process: first, turn on the main switch of the external power supply; then turn on the power of the machine, adjust the power regulator, so that the power voltage indicator needle is in the standard position; also check whether the center of the tube and the center of the X-ray film cassette is in the standard position. On a straight line; then select technical parameters according to the inspection needs; also select exposure conditions according to needs, pay attention to adjust the mA value and exposure time first, and then adjust the KV value; after the adjustment of the above components, put the patient’s projection position. , everything is ready, you can press the handbrake for exposure; finally, pay attention to the end of the work, cut off the machine power and external power in time, and restore the machine to its original state.
If you also want to buy 500MA medical X-ray machine, please contact us, our phone number is +8617616362243!

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