A company consulted on mobile X-ray machines - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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A company consulted on mobile X-ray machines

A client of a company consulted our Newheek mobile X-ray machine. The customer said that he has a friend who wants to move the X-ray machine and wants a 50~100ma machine. What is the purpose of asking the customer? The client said he wanted to take a chest radiograph. I recommend customers to use a 100ma mobile X-ray machine. Ask if the customer has an imaging system? The customer said that there is no imaging system, and would like to ask about the price of the imaging system and the price that does not include the imaging system. Then, I sent the mobile X-ray machine product information to the customer, briefly introduced the parameters and quoted. The customer said that he first talked to his friend about the situation, and if the friend felt it was right, he would continue to contact me.

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