Is X-ray inspection harmful to the human body? See how dangerous it is - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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Is X-ray inspection harmful to the human body? See how dangerous it is

Before talking about the hazards of X-rays, let’s first understand X-rays. A class of X-ray electromagnetic waves with different wavelengths
There are differences, there are perceivable and imperceptible parts in the human eye. When we usually do X-ray examinations, we
It is an invisible electromagnetic wave.
A certain amount of X-ray irradiation can inhibit or even damage the cells, especially the cells with strong proliferation.
effects of death. Different X-ray sensitivities have different reactions in the human body. Humans are more sensitive to X-rays
The sensitive parts will also be damaged, so these parts should be avoided X-ray exposure as much as possible, and pregnant women should take precautions
point protection.
Only when a certain dose of radiation is reached, will it cause harm to the human body. Radiation, dose in daily life
Very low, so there is no need to worry about excess radiation in everyday life.

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