7-20 Uzbekistan customers inquire about portable X-ray machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine - Mobile DR X-ray Machine

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7-20 Uzbekistan customers inquire about portable X-ray machine

Uzbekistan customers inquire about the X-ray machine of Weifang NEWHEEK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., see its Alibaba introduction, customers often purchase lockers and printers, etc., ask customers to consider medical or veterinary use, our X-ray machine has a variety of styles, can Matching more suitable ones according to customer needs, such as medical 100mA X-ray machine for shooting human limbs, chest X-ray, cervical spine, lumbar vertebrae is no problem, but it is not clear to shoot particularly fat people and lumbar spine lateral shooting, another example is veterinary 100mA It is no problem to shoot cats and dogs and other animals with the X-ray machine provided by the company. When shooting large animals such as cattle and horses, you can only shoot the limbs. If you need to shoot the whole body, you need to replace the X-ray machine with a higher power, and ask the customer whether to choose an imaging system. That is, a flat panel detector, a computer and a mobile rack form a complete set of DR equipment. We have wireless flat panel detectors and wired flat panel detectors, which are divided into 1417 and 1717 sizes. The wired one can be connected to the computer with a network cable, and the wireless one can be connected to the computer with WiFi. The customer has not responded due to time difference.

X ray machines

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